School Clubs
Mary decided to try Schedule-Now.Net. It was free
for 30 days anyway so there was nothing to lose. There
are 3 things it asks for. First was her name and email
address and setting up a password for her. Second was the
Club ID and Name. No problems here. But the third
item was setting up a resource. She didn't have a resource
to setup. She tried to move on, but the form required a
resource. After looking at the "Help" section she decided
what would work best for them was to just use "Special Event" as
the resource.
Next, Mary entered everyone else's information, First Name,
Last Name, phone number and email address. A fair amount
of work, but the new secretary of the club was having to do this
every semester. This time it will be done and who ever
takes over the job next semester won't have to re-do all this
As secretary, Mary was responsible for the monthly
newsletter. Although she was able to send it out to
everyone as an attachment, there were always people that said
they never got it for one reason or another. So, Mary
looked at the Files section. She found it was very
simple to upload the newsletter so anyone that didn't get to see
it could download it anytime they wanted.
Although there are approximately 50 members in the club.
The club only had one resource, so Schedule-Now.Net was only
$5.95 per month.
The Nursing College has a club with approximately 50 members.
They don't have anything they need to schedule (ie: a resource),
but have found Schedule-Now.Net useful in several other ways.
Other useful features of were the Files
section where they kept all the news letters. The
Discussion Forum also turned out to be very useful for
discussing certain medical issues, classes and teachers.
It is also just a super easy way for everyone to communicate
and keep in touch with people graduating and leaving each year.